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To inquire about a sponsorship or exhibit, please contact Holly Lohse at:, or call the NCCIA Office at 910.684.8379.  


Monday Night Reception |   SOLD


​• Mention in Conference Mailings
• Signage with Company Logo
• Recognition in General Session
• Exhibit Space in Exhibit Hall (NO Registration Incl.)
• Item in Conference Tote



Tuesday Night Reception & Dine Around Sponsor |  SOLD


​• One Exhibit Space in Exhibit Hall (NO Registration Incl)
• Mention in Conference Mailings
• Signage with Company Logo
• Recognition in General Session
• Item in Conference Tote




Preconference Captive 101 Course | SOLD


Printed Conference Agenda (Coat Pocket) |   SOLD
Conference Lanyard |    SOLD




Conference Tote Bags |    $1980.00






• Company Name on Signage
• Company Listing in Conference App
• Sponsorship Mentioned at Opening Plenary Session
• Item for Conference Tote Bag

• Company Logo on Agenda
• Free Item in Tote Bag

• Company Logo Displayed on Lanyard
• Free Item in Tote Bag, item supplied by Sponsor

• Company Logo Displayed on Conference Tote Bag
• Free Item in Tote Bag


Tuesday Commissioner's Luncheon |   SOLD

•Seating for 2 at Commissioner’s Tables(s)
•Verbal Recognition by Association Chairman
•One Exhibit Space in Exhibit Hall (Does NOT include Registration)
•Item in Conference Tote

Thursday Morning Next Gen, Amplify Women Breakfast |   $2750.00 
  • Recognition in General Session

  • Exhibit Space in Exhibit Hall (Does NOT include Registration)

  • Mention in Conference Mailings

  • Item in Conference Tote

Monday Opening Plenary | SOLD

• Significant mention at Opening Plenary
• Mention in Conference Mailings
• Exhibit Space in Exhibit Hall (Does NOT include Registration)
• Item in Conference Tote

Conference App | $3080.00

• Free Item in Tote Bag
• Sponsorship Mentioned at each Plenary Session
• Place at Commissioner’s Table at Tuesday Luncheon


Owners Forum & Breakfast | $3300.00

• Company Logo on Opening Page of App
• Free Item in Tote Bag
• Sponsorship Mentioned At Owners Program Events
• Two Attendees at Owners Reception


Golf Tournament |  $1210.00
  • Company Name/Logo on Tee

  • Recognition of Prize Winners in Plenary Session

  • Free Item in Tote Bag

Coffee Breaks |  6 Available |   $1210.00 (1 SOLD)

• Company Name/Logo on signage
• Recognition during Plenary Session


EXHIBITS |  12 available  |  $1980.00  (5 SOLD)

  • One Complimentary Full Conference Registration

  • Company Listing in Conference App

  • 8x10 Foot Booth With Skirting, 2 Chairs & Table (Electric not included)


All Sponsors & Exhibitors will Receive

  • Sponsor or Exhibitor Ribbon

  • Recognition on Rotating Picture Screen in Plenary Ballroom

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